Have you ever wondered if the “perfect” Investment Property exists? The simple answer to this is no it doesn’t. There are only Investment Properties, not perfect investment properties. We’ve heard all of the reasons not to buy a certain property over the years; It’s $10,000
Property Investment
Our 14 point property
selection criteria
The future of property investment is all about big data. Jeremy Sheppard, Research Director at Empower Wealth, explains to Your Investment Property Magazine: “An investor who bought a $500,000 property in Brisbane in early 2012 would now be valuing that property at just over $560,000.
Median House Prices 1970 To Today
Median House Prices from 1970 to 2018 for Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane. Investing is all about looking at trends and value, currently, the best value in Australia sits in Brisbane and South East Queensland as you can see from the graph. Sydney has reached the