Fear is one of the major obstacles you will need to learn to overcome in your road to becoming wealthy. Fear is the threat of danger, pain or harm.
Everyone has fears – it’s just how they deal with them that makes a difference. Here is our top 5 tips of how to overcome your fears in order to become wealthy.
1. Stop talking about your fear as a generality.
If you say “I am afraid” that doesn’t help the situation because that could mean many things. “I’m afraid of debt” doesn’t help either. What are you really afraid of? Getting this answer is a key objective to overcoming your fear. It could be as simple as “I’m afraid that I cannot meet the loan repayments” or “I’m afraid that I might not get another job if I lose this one.” Now that your fear is specific, you can work on a solution to overcome it.
2. Determine if your fear is real.
If you analyse your specific fear, you can determine if it is something that could be a reality or something that is based on a false idea. It’s like the child who is afraid of the monster under their bed – where did this idea come from? For example: “I’m afraid that I might not get another job if I lose this one.” If you’re younger than 45 years old, then this might be a bit silly. You have bills to pay and you can’t sit around all day for the next 20 years without an income. Of course you will get another job! If you’re older than 60, this fear may be real.
3. Work out a contingency plan.
Now that you have a specific fear that is real, you can work out different solutions so that you are ready to face it. For example: “I’m afraid that I cannot meet the loan repayments” – you can do a budget work out that shows that it is not a problem or where you need to improve on your spending.
4. Employ professional help.
Maybe your fear is a bit above your understanding of how to handle it. Therefore, you need someone who is a professional and who has experience in the area that you need help in. For instance, if you want to invest in property and it’s your first time, it would be best to seek out a group that has experience and good results in property investment. Going to your best friend or family for advice may not alleviate your fears, but instead increase them with incorrect information.
5. Live your life.
Have you ever heard the saying “you get what you put your attention on”? If you think all the time you’re “going to get sick,” you most definitely will. Don’t let the fear overwhelm you and stop you from living your life. Concentrate on the solutions to your fears instead of the fear itself. Think positively and with your plan of action you can prepare for a disaster and yet only need to handle an emergency.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below your own tips for overcoming fear.